{ //************************************************************** //* Basic Information * //************************************************************** 'ProductName' : 'Grainger', 'DefaultCompanyCode' : 'GUS', 'DefaultBookCode' : '41221flx', 'BookshelfLogoURL' : 'https://www.grainger.com', 'ToolbarLogoURL' : 'https://www.grainger.com', 'BookshelfAtStartup' : 'never', // always, never, dynamic - open to bookshelf until user has picked a default book, once - (deprecated) show bookshelf the first time the user opens the app. For subsequent uses, shows the previously openned book 'UncServicePath' : '\\\\\\sites\\catalog\\Grainger\\412', // Used to construct export path for PdfExport //'UncServicePath' : '\\\\\\Sites\\Catalog\\Grainger\\412', // DIRXIONDEMO - Used to construct export path for PdfExport //************************************************************** //* Theme Settings * //************************************************************** //uncomment settings below to enable Firefly theme //'Theme!' : 'Firefly', //'CustomCssFiles!' : ['code:themes/Firefly/assets/light.css'], //change css file name for different theme colors. light.css, dark.css, gray.css, lightLG.css, darkLG.css, grayLG.css //'Firefly-SearchStyle!' : '0', // 0-collapsible search style (this is the default) 1-acts as button that opens left panel with text box in panel 2-show search in the top tabs menu //uncomment settings below to enable these options //'Firefly-UseSearchFilters!' : 'true', // when true, search filters panel will appear allowing search results to be filtered with radio buttons //'Firefly-ShowHeadingInContext!' : 'false', // 'true' = show the heading line in the search result context (theme default) //'false' = hide the heading in the search result context (uncomment here to override theme default) //'Firefly-TabStyle!' : 'side', //************************************************************** //* Custom Settings Here * //************************************************************** 'EnablePostMessageForLogEvents' : 'true', 'PostMessageParentUrl' : 'https://www.grainger.com', 'ShareToUrlOverride' : 'https://www.grainger.com/content/general-catalog?returnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgrainger.dirxion.com%2F412%2Fdefault.php', //************************************************************** //* Page Navigation * //************************************************************** 'PageNavigationBtnsEnabled' : true, // true - indicates to show prev/next buttons in page control 'PageHistoryBtnEnabled' : false, // true - indicates to show back button below toolbar //************************************************************** //* Bookshelf * //************************************************************** 'BookshelfType' : 'new', // 'old' or 'new' 'TabletBookshelfType' : 'new', // 'old' or 'new' 'Tablet7BookshelfType' : 'new', // 'old' or 'new' 'IPhoneBookshelfType' : 'new', // 'old' or 'new' 'BookshelfPopover' : '', // 'Off' to turn off bookshelf description popovers 'TabletBookshelfPopover' : '', // 'Off' to turn off bookshelf description popovers 'Tablet7BookshelfPopover' : '', // 'Off' to turn off bookshelf description popovers 'IPhoneBookshelfPopover' : '', // 'Off' to turn off bookshelf description popovers 'BookshelfTitle' : '', 'BookshelfSortOrder' : 'ascending', // 'ascending' (default) or 'descending' 'BookshelfSortType' : 'key', // 'title' (default) uses the Title attribute in the tag of the book.xml file // 'edition' sorts by book code (which is actually a specially formatted date for newspapers) // 'key' = uses the tag in the book.xml file 'HighBookCtlScale' : 1.4, // Normally either 1.5 or 1.2 'MedBookCtlScale' : 1.4, // Normally either 1.2 or 1.0 'LowBookCtlScale' : 1.2, // Normally either 1.0 or 0.8 //************************************************************** //* Languages * //************************************************************** 'DefaultLanguageIndex' : 0, 'LanguageCount' : 1, 'Languages' : [ // 'Code' is the language code used by Flex implementation 'ISO' is the ISO 639-1 standard language code {'Name':'English', 'Code':'enu', 'ISO':'en'}, // English {'Name':'Español', 'Code':'esn', 'ISO':'es'}, // Spanish {'Name':'Français', 'Code':'frc', 'ISO':'fr'}, // French Canadian {'Name':'Deutsch', 'Code':'deu', 'ISO':'de'}, // German {'Name':'Português', 'Code':'ptb', 'ISO':'pt'}, // Portuguese (Brazil) {'Name':'中文', 'Code':'chs', 'ISO':'zh'}, // Chinese {'Name':'日本語', 'Code':'jpn', 'ISO':'ja'}, // Japan {'Name':'한국어', 'Code':'kor', 'ISO':'ko'}, // Korean {'Name':'Italiano', 'Code':'ita', 'ISO':'it'}, // Italian {'Name':'Русский', 'Code':'rus', 'ISO':'ru'}, // Russian {'Name':'ไทย', 'Code':'tha', 'ISO':'th'}, // Thai {'Name':'Suomi', 'Code':'fin', 'ISO':'fi'}, // Finnish {'Name':'Svenska', 'Code':'sve', 'ISO':'sv'}, // Swedish {'Name':'Türkçe', 'Code':'tur', 'ISO':'tr'}, // Turkish {'Name':'Čeština', 'Code':'ces', 'ISO':'cs'}, // Czech {'Name':'Polski', 'Code':'pol', 'ISO':'pl'}, // Polish {'Name':'Nederlands', 'Code':'nld', 'ISO':'nl'} // Dutch Nederlands ], //************************************************************** //* Tab Panels * //************************************************************** //'AutoOpenTabPanels!' : '', // New skin setting which replaces TocOnChangeBook because of modal behavior. List the tabs you want open by default (ex. BookshelfFilterTabPanel,TocTabPanel) //'BookshelfViewHasModalTabPanels!' : 'false', // decide if bookshelf tabs should be modal ore not. By default, they should NOT be modal, so the filters tab will stay open when you click outside //'BookViewHasModalTabPanels!' : 'true', // decide if book view tabs should be modal ore not. By default, they SHOULD be modal, so a click outside will close them automatically //************************************************************** //* Thumbnails * //************************************************************** 'ThumbViewAnimation' : 'slide', // 'fade', 'slide' or 'none' 'ThumbViewAnimationDuration' : '150', 'ThumbViewLayout' : 'grid', // 'strip' or 'grid' 'IPadThumbViewLayout' : 'strip', // 'strip' or 'grid' 'IPhoneThumbViewLayout' : 'strip', // 'strip' or 'grid' 'ThumbViewStyle' : 'auto', // 'single', 'facing' or 'auto' (use same style as page display mode) 'IPadThumbViewStyle' : 'auto', // 'single', 'facing' or 'auto' (use same style as page display mode) 'IPhoneThumbViewStyle' : 'single', // 'single', 'facing' or 'auto' (use same style as page display mode) 'ThumbViewBackgroundColor' : 'light', // 'light' or 'dark' //************************************************************** //* Help * //************************************************************** 'AboutComponent' : 'AboutAccordion', // Place name of dynamic dialog box to open from About toolbar button, ex. 'AboutAccordion' 'SupportNumber' : '1-888-393-0962', 'SupportHours' : '7:00am - 6:00pm CST', 'SupportEmail' : 'feedback@dirxion.com', //************************************************************** //* Toolbar * //************************************************************** 'ToolbarPosition' : 'top', // 'top', 'bottom' or 'left' 'IPadToolbarPosition' : 'top', // 'top', 'bottom' or 'left' 'MobileMenuButtonPosition' : 'right', // 'right' or 'left' 'ToolbarButtonColor' : 'light', // 'auto', light', or 'dark' 'Tablet7ToolbarButtonColor' : 'light', // 'auto', light', or 'dark' 'IPhoneToolbarButtonColor' : 'light', // 'auto', light', or 'dark' 'MenuButtonColor' : 'light', // 'light' or 'dark' ('auto' not currently supported but will set the background to the proper contrasting color) // Custom toolbar layout components are: // logo,library,edition,thumbs,single,facing,single+facing,fitwidth,prev,page(50),next,wishlist,help,custom0...custom(n-1),share, // divider,pad(49),spacer,enotify,weatherfeed,exportpdf,cart,cartplusprint,shortcut,twitterfeed,facebookfeed,rssfeed,youtubefeed,dialog1, // toc,tocwidget,search,searchwidget(300),language,category,zoomin,zoomout,bookhistory,bookmarks,crop,postalcode,bookshelfcategory,pagedetail // libshare,libsearch,libsearchwidget(300),libtoggle,libfilter,fullscreen // label(id),textbutton(id),link(id),imagebutton(id),menu(id),contextmenu(id) // // Firefly Specific toolbar layout components are: // librarytxt,locator // // This is an example of how to use the new label/textbutton/imagebutton/menu toolbar entries // 'ToolbarCenter' : 'imagebutton(CANIcon),imagebutton(USAIcon),'imagebutton(BannerIcon)', // 'ToolbarRight' : 'divider,pad(4),label(ViewLabelArgs),single(0.5),facing(0.5),divider,textbutton(ShareBtnArgs),link(HelpLinkArgs),menu(MenuBtnArgs)', // Use the id value to specify the arguments as demonstrated below // 'ViewLabelArgs' : {'text':'VIEW', 'scale':'0.75'}, // 'ShareBtnArgs' : {'text':'SHARE', 'tip':'Share Tooltip', 'width':'120', 'action':'share'}, // 'HelpLinkArgs' : {'text':'HELP', 'action':'help'}, OPTIONAL ARGS: 'tip', 'color' and 'hoverColor'. // 'MenuBtnArgs' : {'text':'MENU', 'tip':'Menu Tooltip', 'width':'120'}, // 'ContextMenuArgs' : 'share,bookmarks,print,exportpdf,crop', // 'CANIcon' : {'text':'Canada', 'tip':'Canada Tooltip', 'scale':'1.0, 'image_up':'skin:images/toolbar/Flag_CA_BW_34x34.png', 'action':''}, // 'USAIcon' : {'text':'USA', 'tip':'USA Tooltip', 'scale':'0.95', 'image_up':'skin:images/toolbar/Flag_US_34x34.png', 'action':'click(https://assaabloylibrary.us/Adamsrite)'}, // 'BannerIcon' : {'text':'', 'tip':'', 'scale':'1.3', 'image_up':'skin:images/toolbar/tagline_dark01_randy.png', 'action'':'click(http:www.google.com)'}, // Multiple language support can be accomplished for 'text' and 'tip' arguments by adding each lang code entry in the skin/core.txt skin setting as follows: // 'ShareBtnArgs' : {'text':{'enu':'SHARE', 'esn':'COMPARTIR'}, 'tip':{'enu':'Share Tooltip', 'esn':'Compartir Esto'}, 'width':'120', 'action':'share'}, // Or by putting the skin setting into each skin/lang.txt file and modifying the 'text' value for each language. // 'ShareBtnArgs' : {'text':'SHARE' 'tip':'Share Tooltip', 'width':'120', 'action':'share'}, // OLD CUSTOM BUTTONS (i.e. custom0, custom1, etc.) can be found in the lang.txt files. 'BookshelfTbLeft' : 'logo', 'BookshelfTbCenter' : '', 'BookshelfTbRight' : 'libshare,help', 'IPhoneBookshelfTbLeft' : 'logo', 'IPhoneBookshelfTbCenter' : 'libshare,help', 'IPhoneBookshelfTbRight' : '', 'ToolbarLeft' : 'pad(10),searchwidget', 'ToolbarCenter' : 'library,single+facing,print,exportpdf,divider,prev,page,next,divider,share,bookmarks,crop,help', 'ToolbarRight' : '', //IPadUseMobileMenu and Tablet7UseMobileMenu are set to TRUE in the theme. Therefore Ipad settings are no longer needed. If Ipad toolbar is required, you must set 'IPadUseMobileMenu!': 'false', here in core.txt, then populate with Ipad toolbar settings // You can use Tablet7 Landscape/Portrait toolbar settings but if not specified will inherit from Tablet7 and then IPhone toolbar settings 'IPhoneToolbarLeft' : '', 'IPhoneToolbarCenter' : 'library,toc,bookmarks,share,crop,help', 'IPhoneToolbarRight' : 'search', // The following 'small' desktop toolbar layout settings will be used when window width is too narrow to fit the standard desktop toolbar layout above. // If all three 'small' skin settings are '' then the small toolbar layout is not performed //'SmallBookshelfTbLeft!' : '', //'SmallBookshelfTbCenter!' : '', //'SmallBookshelfTbRight!' : '', //'SmallToolbarLeft!' : 'logo', //'SmallToolbarCenter!' : 'divider,prev,page,next,divider', //'SmallToolbarRight!' : 'searchwidget(180),contextmenu(SmallContextMenu)', //'SmallContextMenu!' : 'thumbs,share,crop,help', 'TpodCreatorSharedTbLeft' : 'logo,button(TpodCreatorLibraryBtnArgs)', 'TpodCreatorSharedTbCenter' : '', 'TpodCreatorSharedTbRight' : 'thumbs,exportpdf,print,help', 'TpodCreatorLibraryBtnArgs' : {'text':'View All Publications', 'action':'click({0})'}, 'ToolbarLibraryURL' : 'http://www.grainger.com/content/tf_onlinecat?cm_sp=Catalog-_-digicats-_-Landing', // blank = internal bookshelf (but cannot use Catalogs tab) ./skin:entrymap/entry.asp 'ToolbarCartDialog' : 'http://www.grainger.com/cart?from=', // Name of Dialog to open when user clicks on Cart button 'LocatorBtnUrl' : '', // Full url format, e.g. 'https://google.com' //************************************************************** //* Page Markup * //************************************************************** 'VideoWindow' : 'Dialog', // 'Dialog' or 'Page' 'UrlTargetWindow' : 'DirxionHtml5', // Settings explained here: https://sites.google.com/a/dirxion.com/documentation/catalogs?authuser=0#h.p_nfs14-P4DREq 'UrlFillOpacityOut' : 21, 'UrlFillColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'UrlBorderThicknessOut' : '0', 'UrlBorderOpacityOut' : 100, 'UrlBorderColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'UrlBorderStyleOut' : 'Box', 'UrlFillOpacityOver' : 41, 'UrlFillColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'UrlBorderThicknessOver' : 0, 'UrlBorderOpacityOver' : 31, 'UrlBorderColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'UrlBorderStyleOver' : 'Box', 'XrefFillOpacityOut' : 21, 'XrefFillColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'XrefBorderThicknessOut' : '0', 'XrefBorderOpacityOut' : 100, 'XrefBorderColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'XrefBorderStyleOut' : 'Box', 'XrefFillOpacityOver' : 41, 'XrefFillColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'XrefBorderThicknessOver' : 0, 'XrefBorderOpacityOver' : 31, 'XrefBorderColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'XrefBorderStyleOver' : 'Box', 'PolyFillOpacityOut' : '1', 'PolyFillColorOut' : '#FFFFFF', 'PolyBorderThicknessOut' : '0', 'PolyBorderOpacityOut' : '100', 'PolyBorderColorOut' : '#0000FF', 'PolyFillOpacityOver' : '20', 'PolyFillColorOver' : '#FFFFFF', 'PolyBorderThicknessOver' : '0', 'PolyBorderOpacityOver' : '100', 'PolyBorderColorOver' : '#0000FF', 'DetailFillOpacityOut' : 1, 'DetailFillColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'DetailBorderThicknessOut' : '0', 'DetailBorderOpacityOut' : 100, 'DetailBorderColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'DetailBorderStyleOut' : 'Underline', 'DetailFillOpacityOver' : 30, 'DetailFillColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'DetailBorderThicknessOver' : 0, 'DetailBorderOpacityOver' : 0, 'DetailBorderColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'DetailBorderStyleOver' : 'Box', 'CustomFillOpacityOut' : 1, 'CustomFillColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'CustomBorderThicknessOut' : '0', 'CustomBorderOpacityOut' : 100, 'CustomBorderColorOut' : '#FF0000', 'CustomBorderStyleOut' : 'Underline', 'CustomFillOpacityOver' : 30, 'CustomFillColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'CustomBorderThicknessOver' : 0, 'CustomBorderOpacityOver' : 0, 'CustomBorderColorOver' : '#FF0000', 'CustomBorderStyleOver' : 'Box', 'MobileLinks' : 'true', // true = turn on links for mobile phones, false = turn off links //************************************************************** //* Zoom Settings * Zoom Settings Info Here http://docs.dirxion.com/flex/SkinZoomSettings.htm //************************************************************** 'IPhonePortraitDefaultDisplayMode' : 'single', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'IPhonePortraitDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode 'IPhonePortraitDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'IPhonePortraitDefaultHighlightZoom': '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'IPhonePortraitZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.5', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPhonePortraitZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.5', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPhonePortraitZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'IPhonePortraitZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'IPhoneLandscapeDefaultDisplayMode' : 'facing', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'IPhoneLandscapeDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode 'IPhoneLandscapeDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'IPhoneLandscapeDefaultHighlightZoom': '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'IPhoneLandscapeZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.5', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPhoneLandscapeZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.5', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPhoneLandscapeZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'IPhoneLandscapeZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'IPadPortraitDefaultDisplayMode' : 'single', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'IPadPortraitDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode 'IPadPortraitDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'IPadPortraitDefaultHighlightZoom' : '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'IPadPortraitZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPadPortraitZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPadPortraitZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'IPadPortraitZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'IPadLandscapeDefaultDisplayMode' : 'facing', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'IPadLandscapeDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode 'IPadLandscapeDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'IPadLandscapeDefaultHighlightZoom' : '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'IPadLandscapeZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPadLandscapeZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'IPadLandscapeZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'IPadLandscapeZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'LowDefaultDisplayMode' : 'facing', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'LowDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode 'LowDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'LowDefaultHighlightZoom' : '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'LowZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitwidth:25|opti(2)] 'LowZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage:25|opti(2)] 'LowZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'LowZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'MedDefaultDisplayMode' : 'facing', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'MedDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode - Usually targets one of the existing zoom levels 'MedDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'MedDefaultHighlightZoom' : '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'MedZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage:30|opti(2)] 'MedZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)*0.75|opti(2)] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage:30|opti(2)] 'MedZoomMax' : 'opti(2)', 'MedZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms 'HighDefaultDisplayMode' : 'facing', // Initial page display mode (facing, or single) 'HighDefaultZoomSingle' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to single page display mode - Usually targets one of the existing zoom levels 'HighDefaultZoomFacing' : 'fitpage', // Initial page zoom level when going to facing page display mode 'HighDefaultHighlightZoom' : '', // Amount to zoom in when displaying search results 'HighZoomLevelsSingle' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'HighZoomLevelsFacing' : '0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3', // Suggested values - Multi-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)|opti(2)*1.3] : Single-Click Zoom [0|fitpage|opti(2)] 'HighZoomMax' : 'opti(2)*1.3', 'HighZoomAnimation' : 'false', // true = use animated effect on zooms //************************************************************** //* Page / Title Bar * //************************************************************** 'PageFoldSpriteWidth' : 0, // 40 - for default image; 0 for no page fold 'PageBorder' : 0, // 1 - for default 1px page border; 0 for no border 'PageFlipAnimation' : 'none', // 'flip', 'swipe', 'swipeWaitForLoad', or 'none' 'TitleControlEnabled' : 'false', // true - indicates to show the Book title at the top of the PageCtl (also change PageCtlPadding if changing this) 'IPadTitleControlEnabled' : 'false', 'IPhoneTitleControlEnabled' : 'false', 'PageCtlPadding' : {'top':15, 'left':15, 'bottom':15, 'right':15}, // (Use 30 for top if setting TitleControlEnabled=true or Composer) 'IPadPageCtlPadding' : {'top':0, 'left':0, 'bottom':0, 'right':0}, // (Use 25 for top if setting TitleControlEnabled=true or Composer) 'IPhonePageCtlPadding' : {'top':0, 'left':0, 'bottom':0, 'right':0}, 'PageCtlAutoClosePanels' : 'false', // Auto close the menus, slide-in panels and social tab panels when the user interacts with the page //************************************************************** //* Search * //************************************************************** 'ZoomSearchAutoClose' : 'true', // 'true' - to auto-close the search panel when the user clicks a final search result. 'ZoomSearchAutoSelect' : 'false', // 'true' - will auto-select a search result on searches typed in by user. 'ZoomSearchAutoSelectCmdLine' : 'false', // 'true' - will auto-select a search result on searches coming from the command line (url arguments) 'ZoomSearchAutoCloseCmdLine' : 'false', // 'true' - to keep search panel closed on searches coming from the command line (if ZoomSearchAutoSelectCmdLine is true) 'ZoomSearchResultMax' : '1000', 'ZoomSearchNumberResults' : 'true', // 'true' - Number each search result item, ie. 1. Attorneys (pg 222) instead of Attorneys (pg 222) 'ZoomSearchExactMatchMode' : 'false', // 'true' - exact matches only (Digikey uses this to facilitate exact matches for part numbers) 'ZoomSearchExactWildcardMatchMode' : 'false', // 'true' - will perfrom an exact match seach and a wildcard search and combine the results. No alternate searches results will be returned 'ZoomSearchShowImage' : 'true', // 'true' - shows images with search results. 'ZoomSearchShowScore' : 'false', // 'true' - shows search score for each result 'ZoomSearchSort' : 'page', // 'score, 'heading', or 'page' // This determines the sort order of the headings in the results as well as heading display in filter panels. 'ZoomSearchSortFilters' : 'count', // 'alphabetical' or 'count' - count will order the results by heading result count (most common first) 'ZoomSearchSortHeadingContents' : 'page', // 'page or score - Sort of result pages within each heading (this setting only has meaning if 'ZoomSearchSort' is 'heading') //************************************************************** //* Headers/Footer * //************************************************************** 'CustomHeaderSize' : '0', // height of header or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'IPadCustomHeaderSize' : '0', // height of header or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'IPhoneCustomHeaderSize' : '0', // height of header or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'CustomHeaderUrl' : 'skin:header/template.htm', 'CustomFooterSize' : '0', // height of footer or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'IPadCustomFooterSize' : '0', // height of footer or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'IPhoneCustomFooterSize' : '0', // height of footer or '0' if none' ('24' for template.htm) 'CustomFooterUrl' : 'skin:footer/template.htm', //************************************************************** //* Print / PDF Export * //************************************************************** 'PrintIncludeCoverDefault' : 'Off', // 'On' or 'Off' 'ExportPdfForceEntirePdfDownload' : 'Off', 'ExportPdfForcePartialPdfDownload' : 'Off', 'ExportPdfEntirePdf' : 'true', // 'true' - allow Entire Catalog pdf option 'ExportPdfDefaultOption' : 'partial', // 'full' or 'partial' - When 'ExportPdfEntirePdf' is true, this allows selection of default //************************************************************** //* TPOD / MyCATALOG * //************************************************************** 'TpodStyle' : 'creator-panel', // 'full', 'lite','creator', or 'creator-panel' 'TpodUrlTrigger' : 'never', // TO TURN ON TPOD - SET TO ALWAYS - 'always', 'never', or 'tpod' (ie the CommandLine argument which triggers the tpod login button to appear on toolbar) 'TpodCreatorName' : 'myCatalog', // This component skin value must have default value here so it is available before component is loaded 'TpodCreatorPanelMode' : '1', // 0 = PageSelectBtn's only shown when TpodCreatorPanel is open; 1=PageSelectBtn's always displayed 'TpodCreatorPageIconColor' : '#333333', 'TpodCreatorPageSelectBtns' : true, //************************************************************** //* Dynamic URL Structure * //************************************************************** 'HistoryShowUrlsAddressBar' : 'true', // will display book/section/page as part of title in newer browsers 'HistoryPageTitleFormat' : '*BOOKTITLE* Page *PAGELABEL*', // *PRODUCTNAME* *BOOKTITLE* *SECTIONNAME* *PAGELABEL* Put them in the preferred order, you can also remove some of them or add more text _ie_comma_safety : 0 // Keep as last member of class (doesn't have trailing comma) }